Health & Well Being

We will sue government in 23 days if… – 2022 batch of PharmD graduates

Dr. Jeremy Owusu Afrifa

The 2022 batch of Doctors of Pharmacy (PharmD) have begun processes to sue government over delay in payment of their salaries for the past one year.

The PharmD officers at a media briefing reiterated their demands, noting that they have already notified the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice.

Their role is essential in ensuring that patients receive the highest standard of care, which directly impacts the health and well-being of our communities.For over a year now, the PharmDs numbering 320 are yet to receive financial clearance for their payment, despite the numerous repeated engagements with relevant authorities in the last one year.

A development they claim has brought undue hardships to them. Dr. Jeremy Owusu Afrifa. Leader of the PharmDs lamented the hardships.

“This is not only a financial issue but a matter of human dignity. We are talking of young professionals who have dedicated their lives to the health and wellbeing of others, now being pushed to the brink of despair. How are we to care for the health of our patients when we are struggling to maintain our own well-being? The emotional and psychological toll of this prolonged uncertainty is immense. We entered this profession with hearts full of hope and dedication, but now we face the grim reality of being neglected by the system we have sworn to serve,” they lamented.

Meanwhile, the Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, during his encounter with the media on Sunday promised to look into the matter.

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

“You are talking about 322 Pharmacy Doctors who are threatening to sue the Ministry of Health over unpaid allowances. I want to take this one up. This is the first time I am hearing about this particular issue. I am not aware of it, but I think it’s an important issue that we should really resolve,” he said.

But the Doctors of Pharmacy, said they won’t take chances while waiting upon the Dr Bawumia to intervene.

“We are glad that the Vice President has expressed his commitment to intervene and resolve this situation. We hope to hear from him soon, so that we can bring an end to this longstanding impasse. But We have served the Attorney-General with the letter and we have 23 more days to go. So, a lawsuit is in progress if all other processes fail,” he warned.

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