
Media General’s 2024 election coverage launch: No one should die again in the elections – Nana Yaa Jantuah

Former General Secretary of the Convention People’s Party (CPP) Nana Yaa Jantuah has called for peace in this year’s elections.

She says never again should anyone lose his or her life during the polls as happened in the 2020 elections.

“We want peace, nobody should lose his or her life in the elections again,” she said during the launch of Media Genera’s 2024 election coverage launch in Accra on Thursday, August 29.

For his part, a leading member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Godwin Ako Gunn assured journalists that they will be safe around the promise of the NDC before, during, and after the 2024 general elections.

He also prayed that the entire country would be safe for all Ghanaians during the polls.

Speaking during the launch of the Medi Generals 2024 election coverage in Accra on Thursday, August 29, he said “we can assure you of our partnership, your journalists will be safe around our premises. It’s my prayer that the streets of Ghana will be safe for all of us.”

The Electoral Commission (EC) assured Ghanaians that with the support of all stakeholders, they will get it right again in this year’s general elections.

The EC’s Deputy Director of Research, Monitoring and Evaluation, Mr Fred Tetteh indicated that the Commission has since 1992 delivered credible elections and will ensure that the same success is experienced in this year.

“The commission will assure Ghanaians that with the grace of God and the support of Ghanaians, as we try to cross the bridge in Dec 2024, we are going to get it right, let us all be united in Ghana and preserve the peace for ourselves and generations,” he said during the launch of Media General’s 2024 election coverage on Thursday, August 29.

For his part, Former National Chair of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Peter Mac Manu asked Ghanaians to avoid hate speech during the elections.

He says hate speech has the propensity to throw the country into chaos.

“I will call on Ghanaians to stop hate speech, it is dangerous and has brought many African countries to war, we should avoid misinformation and disinformation,” he said during the Media General 2024 election coverage launch on Thursday, August 29.

The General Manager of News at Media General Astus Ahiable has assured the general public that Media General will attach all sense of professionalism to the coverage of this year’s general elections

As a business, he said, “we take this responsibility seriously, we attach all sense of professionalism and good journalism in what we do.”

He added “Elections are for the people of Ghana,” he said during the launch of the Media General 2024 election coverage.

“Most Ghanaians see us as the go-to place for good news and entertainment.”







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