
Transport operators attribute 15% fare increment to surge in petroleum and spare parts prices

The recent surge in petroleum and spare parts prices coupled with economic hardship are some of the reasons that the leadership of the Transport Operators Association of Ghana cited to back their decision to increase transport fares by 15 percent.

The transport operators announced the increment in a statement on Wednesday, July 17. The new fares start on Monday, July 22.

In a statement, the transport operators said “This has become necessary due to the recent surge in petroleum and spare parts prices coupled with economic hardship.

“Some oil marketing companies (OMCs) have begun upwardly adjusting their prices at the pumps following the commencement of July’s second pricing window,” a statement they issued on Wednesday, July 17 said.

Below is their full statement…

Press Release




The Transport Operators Association Of Ghana wishes to announce to the general public there will a 15% increment of transport fares coming monday 22/07/2024.

This has become necessary due to the recent surge in petroleum and spare parts prices coupled with economic hardship.

Some oil marketing companies (OMCs) have begun upwardly adjusting their prices at the pumps following the commencement of July’s second pricing window.

One of the leading oil marketing companies, Shell for instance, which previously sold a litre of petrol at GHȼ14.80 is now selling at GHȼ15.10 while a litre of diesel previously selling at GH¢14.92 is now selling at GHȼ15.25.

Also, the prevailing economic difficulties and other factors are worsening the living condition of transport owners and drivers.

We are therefore urging all Ghanaians to take note of the increment and cooperate with transport operators.

Thank You.

Paa Willie
Chairman Concerned Drivers Association of Ghana C-DAG

Yaw Barima
PRO True Drivers Union

David Agboado PRO Concerned Drivers Association of Ghana C-DAG

Deputy Secretary C-DAG
Nana Owiredu

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