
Okaikoi South NDC parliamentary candidate alleges political interference in his quest to repair Avenor roads

Ernest Adomako

The parliamentary candidate for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Okaikoi South, Ernest Adomako has accused members of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the constituency of actively preventing his efforts to repair the deteriorating roads in the Avenor area.

Adomako, in a phone-in interview, expressed his frustration at the ongoing challenges he faces in trying to address the poor road conditions as “this is the second time I have tried to tackle the poor road conditions in this area, which has proved futile,” he stated.

He suggested that the NPP’s resistance is motivated by a fear of embarrassment and potential loss of credibility, given their long tenure in power in Okaikoi South. “I believe the NPP knows they will be discredited if they allow an individual like me, under the ticket of the NDC, to successfully repair the roads,” Adomako said on Onua FM’s Yen Nsempa, May 30.

Adomako highlighted the lack of support from the local Assembly, despite multiple notifications and requests for collaboration.

“We have informed the Assembly on several occasions and continue to do so, but they have not availed themselves to help the course and give us the go-ahead,” he noted.

Adomako also revealed the financial burden of the initiative, stating that, “It is a financially intensive initiative, so money will go into this. This is the second time I have tried fixing the road and being hindered. The first one is around the Bubuashie-Atiko stretch leading to the Darkuman post office Kokompe. The road there is appalling, and in the same vein, I was instructed to halt the project.”

Expressing his determination, Adomako stated, “We, the NDC, refuse to idly sit back and watch our roads deteriorate. We took the initiative to fix it. The construction is not an easy fix where you say you will pour sand, and that is it. It is so depleted and deteriorated. Just sand will not fix it. It is a busy road. The government should not even wait for an individual to do this.”

He emphasized the broader implications of poor infrastructure on the nation’s image and business environment saying, “this is why nobody takes Ghana seriously; nobody respects us nor regards us. Ghanaian businesses are struggling, so why should our roads be bad to top all that? If we complain, then the people in authority insult us. And worst of all, if an individual avails himself to do the work that needs to be done, they refuse to have you do it.”


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