
Hyundai cites political stability as reason for selecting Ghana as one of its distribution hubs for Western & Central Africa

Senior Branch Manager, Hyundai Infracor, Jaehyung Jeon has cited political stability in Ghana as the major reason for selecting Ghana as one of its distribution hubs for its Western and Central African markets.

The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) had announced that Hyundai Infracore, a Korean-based manufacturer of Devlon heavy-duty trucks and earth-moving machines for the construction and mining industries, has chosen Ghana among other African countries) as its distribution hub for its Western and Central African markets.

Mr Jaehyoung Jeon said in a video recording on the X page of the GIPC that “Ghana has a very stable situation so I selected Ghana.”

The other countries include Nigeria, Senegal and Cote D’ivoire.

As a first-time entrant into Africa, the company has set up strategically in Ghana to provide prompt equipment delivery and aftersale services for its clients dotted across the continent.

The company plans to establish an assembly plant in partnership with one of the technical universities in Ghana to provide skills and knowledge transfer, as well as jobs for the youth.

“Hyundai Infracore is a subsidiary of HD Hyundai Group, a global producer of container vessels, chemical and construction power plants.”





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