
Desist from showing films without requisite authorisation – NFA to TV channels

Juliet Asante is the CEO of National Film Authority

The National Film Authority (NFA) has urged television networks to obtain approval before showing any film on their platforms.

The NFA claims that this directive was necessitated by series of complaints that international movie distributors have lodged with the Authority.

The complaints are as follows:

(1) A number of terrestrial channel owners and media houses in Ghana broadcast/air movies or films on their channels.

(2) The broadcasting/airing of these movies or films are being done without the authorisation from the movie creators/copyright owners.

(3) The unauthorised broadcasting/airing of the said movies or films is in violation of exclusive rights of the copyright owners.

The Authority’s regulations against copyright infringement is highlighted in its section 3(e)(iv) of the Development and Classification of Film Act 2016 (Act 935).

It admonishes that “any terrestrial channel owner or media house that intends to broadcast/air a movie or film to its viewers must obtain the requisite authorisation or license from the creator/copyright owner of the movie or film. Broadcasting/airing a movie or film without authorisation from the creator/copyright owner constitutes a copyright infringement which attracts both civil and criminal liabilities.”

In a statement signed by the Executive Secretary of the National Film Authority (NFA), Juliet Yaa Asantewaa Asante, she has advised that “all terrestrial channel owners or media houses conduct assessments of all movies or films currently being broadcasted or aired on their respective channels and verifications carried out to ensure that requisite authorisations to broadcast particular movies or films have been obtained from the creators/copyright owners concerned.”

The statement further cautioned  terrestrial channel owners or media outlets in question to immediately stop and desist from broadcasting or airing the relevant movie or film until the necessary authorization is obtained in cases where the assessment finds that there is not enough authorization to broadcast that specific movie or film.

The National Film Authority is a government agency mandated to enforce the legal framework for the production, regulation, nurturing and development of the Ghanaian film industry, and for the distribution, exhibition and marketing of films and related matters.

It was established by the Ghanaian government in accordance with the Development and Classification of Film Act 935 in order to control and simplify the country’s film industry.

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