
Choosing wedding rings | Pulse Ghana

What materials are wedding rings made of and what rings to choose are questions that future newlyweds ask themselves.

We suggest what types of wedding rings there are and what to consider when choosing them.

Wedding rings are a symbol of marriage and its permanence, mutual love and fidelity. Wedding rings remind us of the promise made to the other person and worn on the ring finger are a sign of having a spouse. They should therefore be practical (they are usually worn all the time) and durable – just like the relationship whose durability they symbolise.

Wedding rings are most often made of gold. This noble metal of quite high value additionally emphasises the symbolic meaning of the rings, and therefore the durability and significance of the concluded marriage.

Gold is a very durable material, elegant in appearance and available in a wide range of colours. The most common colours of gold include yellow, red and white. White gold most often has an admixture of nickel or palladium, i.e. platinum.

However, you can also order wedding rings made of black gold – this is an original proposal that few couples will choose, but such an option is also possible.

The second most popular choice for wedding rings is silver. It is a light-coloured metal, slightly softer than gold and less durable than gold. It is also much cheaper than gold. Nevertheless, it is recommended for making so-called friendship rings, because wedding rings made of silver are not characterised by the appropriate longevity and durability, which they are supposed to symbolise.

Another material used to make wedding rings is platinum, a metal with a colour similar to silver. It is the most durable but also the most expensive of the precious metals. It should also be remembered that the mass of platinum is greater than the mass of gold, so platinum wedding rings will not only be heavier but also more expensive.

Nowadays, young couples increasingly often decide on titanium wedding rings. They are very durable and resistant to scratches and damage. Titanium used to make wedding rings also has the advantage that it does not cause allergies and is a relatively cheap metal.

Titanium has a dark grey colour, but it can be combined with silver and gold elements – wedding rings made in this way look very interesting and original and are an alternative to traditional gold wedding rings.

The choice of wedding rings depends on the personal preferences of the bride and groom and, of course, their financial resources.

The cheapest wedding rings are made of silver, but they are also the least durable, and not resistant to scratches and scrapes. Silver also tends to change colour under the influence of external conditions.

When choosing traditional gold wedding rings, you should consider the gold grade from which they are made. The highest gold grade is 750. This means that the gold content is at the highest level.

Wedding rings made of the highest grade gold will have an intense yellow color and will be the hardest, and therefore the most durable. Wedding rings made of gold with the highest grade are quite expensive, however.

The most popular among couples choosing wedding rings is 585 gold. It is slightly cheaper, and rings made of such an alloy are characterised by adequate durability.

Gold with a purity of 333 is much cheaper, but is not recommended for making wedding rings, because it may darken due to oxidation and may cause allergic reactions to the metal.

When it comes to platinum, it is also available in three types: 950, 600 and 500. These numbers indicate the content of pure platinum in the alloy from which the wedding rings are made. The highest quality platinum is the hardest and most durable, but also very expensive. A lower platinum content means less hardness and durability of the material, but also a lower price.

Remember, however, that even wedding rings made of the lowest quality platinum will be more durable than rings made of gold.

Another issue when choosing is the weight of the wedding rings, i.e. their width and thickness. Thinner rings will of course be cheaper.

Wedding rings can have a rounded, flat or flat-bevelled profile – this should also be taken into account when choosing them.

This article was originally published by Onet.

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