
“Accept defeat” tone by EC Chair not on – Political Scientist

Political historian and lecturer at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Professor Samuel Adu-Gyamfi has said it was unnecessary for the Electoral Commission’s Chairperson, Mrs Jean Mensa to have told political parties to accept defeat.

Prof Samuel Adu-Gyamfi thinks the EC Chairperson’s statement was unnecessary.

“Surely, there will be a winner and surely, there will be losers. And so we all call on our contestants to accept the outcome of the elections” chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Jean Mensa told lawmakers during a presentation of the democracy Cup.

But Prof Adu-Gyamfi thinks otherwise.

“The EC Chairperson ought not to have made that comment since, they are supposed to ensure that the elections are conducted in a free and fair manner and that should be the focus. Telling political parties to accept defeat is too premature” Prof Adugyamfi told host of GhanAkoma, Sir John on Akoma FM, on July 22.

Read also:  

We accepted this job knowing posterity will judge us, we have integrity – EC Chair


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