
Poverty levels in Ghana far better than in US – Ekow Vincent Assafuah

Vincent Assafuah

Deputy Minister for Local Government has asserted that Ghana’s poverty levels are better than what is experienced in the United States of America.

In an interview with Johnnie Hughes on 3FM’s Sunrise, Ekow Vincent Assafuah claimed that per the Ghana Statistical Service’s (GSS) report the poverty levels have reduced to 11.7 percent from 22.5 percent in 2020.

He contended that the 11.7 percent is a good figure due to the reduction, as the country cannot outrightly have a system where there can’t be poverty.

According to him, the reduction can be attributed to government’s intervention and policies.

“In 2020, it was 22.5%. Today, because of government’s intervention, policies and projects, it has reduced from 22.5% to 11.7% and you think that government have not done anything? This is according to the Ghana Statistical Service.

“I am not saying that there is no poverty but there has been a decrement with respect the number of people who have been living in poverty from 2020 and 2024…GSS have been able to create the impression for every Ghanaian to know that indeed over the period as far as government’s intervention and policies are concerned has been able to help us reduce our poverty levels,” he stated on Wednesday, June 26 while commenting on the economic conditions in the country.

Without any factual data to buttress his assertion, Vincent Assafuah said: “trust me the poverty levels we have in Ghana is far better than what we have in the US.”

He implored the GSS to, if possible, conduct the assessment of poverty levels in Ghana in every year or two to assess government in terms of reducing the poverty level in the country.

His referred to the recent GSS report on the multidimensional poverty in Ghana in making his assertion.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2022 Current Population Report, 37.9 million Americans are considered impoverished, a rate of 11.5 %.

Listen to the full interview with Johnnie Hughes below.

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