
PNP commends KT Hammond over cement price law

The People’s National Party (PNP) has lauded the Minister of Trade and Industry, Kobina Tahir Hammond, for spearheading a legislation to regulate the prices of cement in the country.

The legislative instrument (LI) is aimed at making the price of cement affordable to Ghanaians.

This has, however, been met with mixed reactions.

While the Chamber of Cement Manufacturers has petitioned Parliament against the LI, the Ghana Real Estate Developers Association (GREDA) commended the moved.

In a statement on Friday, June 28, the PNP says only those seeking to undermine the positive effort would oppose “this commendable piece of legislation”.

Cement prices: It behooves on us in authority to ensure Ghanaians aren’t fleeced – Trade Minister

“It is evident that some Members of Parliament, prioritize the interests of the businessmen and women who funded their campaigns over those of their constituents,” the statement signed by National Chairperson and Leader Janet Asana Nabla said.

“These MPs often oppose policies that seeks to benefit Ghanaian families due to their obligations to their sponsors.”

She asked for similar legislations for food, rent and suchlike in order to address “the escalating costs affecting many Ghanaian families”.

The party asked Ghanaian electorates to vote against any party that opposes the LI on cement.

“Be vigilant and oppose any parties that support business practices that are detrimental to the everyday Ghanaian household.

“Your families deserve leaders who will prioritize your welfare over corporate profits.”

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