
Music revenue growth: Let’s not beat ourselves too much, we are behind systematically – Akesse Brempong

Gospel musician, Akesse Brempong has reacted to the recent rating of African countries who have generated huge revenues from music streaming online.

The latest data from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) revealed that South Africa emerged the largest market in the African country with high music revenue growth.

The data added that Sub-Saharan Africa became the only region to exceed 20 percent growth rate. The notable growth was mainly driven by a surge in paid streaming revenues, which increased by 24.5 percent.

South Africa records highest growth as African music industry tops revenue growth for 2023

Nigeria, Zimbabwe and other African countries were all ahead of Ghana as the country missed out on the top ten African countries with high music revenue from streaming.

Reacting to this development, Akesse Brempong has urged musicians and music lovers not to worry too much and should rather celebrate the little strides the industry is achieving.

He explained that Ghana lacks a lot of systematic arrangement to help it achieve this goal citing data costs and internet penetration as some factors which accounted for the low revenue from music streaming.

“The reason I believe Ghana may not be in the top ten in Africa is because of internet penetration and then also cost of data in Ghana as compared to the other countries.

“I believe that the Ghanaian industry is also growing but may not be growing at the same rate as Nigerian market but let us not neglect the small stride that we make.

Gospel Musician, Akesse Brempong

“Again, if you look at our music industry, systematically, you know that Ghana is behind. We should not beat ourselves too much. If we are able to work out the systematic issues, we should be fine,” he said on 3FM Drive on Tuesday, May 21.

Akesse Brempong believes that Ghanaian artistes are doing their best in the distribution and promotion of music as well as the business aspect of the industry.

He said comparing Ghana’s achievement with respect to music revenue to other countries may not be necessary as the factors in other countries differ.

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