Health & Well Being

Improving child healthcare: Effiduase Government Hospital gets incubator

The death of three pre-term babies at the Effiduase Government Hospital in the Ashanti Region has been blamed on the absence of incubators in the facility.

The hospital, which serves as referral centre for four districts namely; Sekyere-Kumawu, Sekyere Afram Plains, Sekyere South and Juaben, has been without the life-saving machine for several years.

This, according to the hospital’s Management, is a hindrance to quality healthcare delivery. At least, 100 deliveries are recorded every month at the hospital and this includes pre-term babies.

“Out of 23 pre-term babies born at the facility between May and June 2024, three died. This unfortunate incident could’ve been prevented if there was an incubator in the hospital”, Sekyere East District Director of Health, Dr Justice Ofori disclosed.

Until recently, the facility did not even have a firefly machine to treat jaundiced newborns.
However, after several appeals a philanthropist donated one to the hospital.

Realizing the need for an incubator in Effiduase Government Hospital, Kokrokoo Charities Foundation has presented one to the facility to improve child healthcare.

Founder of the Foundation, Kwame Sefa Kayi said the social intervention is to help improve child healthcare.

“We are contributing in our small way to ensure that we have quality healthcare delivery in our country. This is the 60th incubator we are giving out and we have 40 more to do to reach our target of 100 incubators”, he said.

Management of the hospital is hopeful the incubator will enhance quality healthcare delivery in the facility.

“We are happy to have this incubator. It will go a long way to save a lot of pre-term babies,” Dr Ofori said.

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