
Govt has reached agreement with 5 Independent Power Producers – Finance Minister

World Bank
Finance Minister Dr Mohammed Amin Adam

The Finance Minister Dr Mohammed Amin Adam has revealed that the government has reached an agreement with five out of the seven independent power producers (IPPs) over debt settlement.

He says the as part of the agreement the government has paid an amount of $ 400 million to the IPPs.

Speaking during a joint Ministry of Finance, Bank of Ghana and International Moneyray Fund (IMF) press conference on the disbursement of the $36million thrid tranche, in Accra on Monday, July 1, Dr Amin Adam stated that the threats that the IPPs issued to sud down their plant will not happen because of the agreement.

He said “we have reached an agreement with Aksa Energy, Amandi Energy, Cenit Energy, Cenpower Generations and Early Power.”

“We have seven IPPs and we have reached an agreement with five, which is very positive for our country.

“It tells us that the threats of shutting down power plants will be a thing of the past because we are committed to implementing the terms of this agreement. we already have started perfforming on our side and to date government has paid in excess of 400 million dollars to all IPPs as part of our performance of the agreement that we just reached

Therefore a chamber representing IPPs not to be informed about this development

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