
Ghanaians are finding it difficult to eat 3 square meals a day – NDC comms team member

Awo Adubea Kekeli, a prominent member of the communications team of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has expressed deep empathy for Ghanaians grappling with severe economic challenges.

Speaking on the rising inflation and escalating food prices, she painted a poignant picture of the daily struggles faced by many citizens.

She highlighted the alarming increase in cost of living, particularly the unaffordability of basic necessities.

“Ghanaians are finding it increasingly difficult to eat three meals a day. The reality for many has become ‘0-1-0’: skipping breakfast, having a late afternoon meal, often just ‘gobe’ (a local dish of beans, gari and palm oil), and then skipping dinner,” she lamented.

She shared her sorrow over the current market conditions, citing the stark example of skyrocketing food prices.

“Visit our markets, and it’s heartbreaking. A single tomato now costs 5 cedis,” Kekeli noted, emphasizing the burden on ordinary Ghanaians struggling to make ends meet.

Her comments came in response to questions about the ongoing protests in Kenya and the potential lessons for Ghana. Her remarks underscore the urgent need for measures to address the economic woes affecting the populace.


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