
Electorates in Osudoku Constituency threaten to resist political activities in the area due to neglect

State of roads in the constituency

The Shai Osudoku Constituency has been predominantly represented by members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), reflecting the party’s strong support base.

The first Member of Parliament (MP) for the Shai Osudoku Constituency, was Mike Gizo.

Mike Gizo, was succeeded by David Tetteh Assuming from 2004 to January 2017.

After David Tetteh Assuming came Linda Akweley Ocloo, who was elected MP in the 2016 polls and won again in 2020.

The NDC has once again presented Linda Akweley Ocloo as their parliamentary candidate, while the NPP is being represented by Benjamin Nargeh.

Despite being one of Ghana’s ancient trade centers, the Osudoku Constituency faces numerous challenges. The constituency is home to Ghana’s second hydro dam, managed by the Volta River Authority, but predominantly farming communities are unhappy about the lack of other basic social amenities.

The road networks in the constituency are in poor shape, impacting negatively on fish farming, rice, plantain, cassava, tomatoes farming, and mango plantations. Residents contend that the poor nature of the roads is severely affecting economic activities.

Linda Akweley Ocloo, the current Member of Parliament for the constituency, defended her tenure, stating that she has done a lot since taking over and has played significant roles in shaping policy and addressing the needs of her constituents over the years.

Efforts to get the NPP candidate, Benjamin Nargeh, to speak on the issues were unsuccessful.

As the election approaches, the frustration among the electorates in Osudoku highlights the pressing need for improved infrastructure and attention to the community’s economic challenges.

Whether their threats will lead to any changes remains to be seen, but the message from the residents is clear: they demand better from their political representatives.

By Joseph Armstrong Gold-Alorgbey

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