
Bawumia will stabilise Cedi with gold, what is NDC’s comparable solution? – Ahiagbah

The Director of Communications of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Richard Ahiagbah, has said the flagbearer of the NPP, Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia will stabilise the cedi using gold.

He says the next NPP government under Bawumia will shore up the strength of the Cedi should the current Vice President be elected president this year.

Mr Ahiagbah says the depreciation of the Cedi will be a thing of the past under a Bawumia administration.

“Be Bold with Bawumia. He will use our gold to back the cedi to make it stable. This is a Bold solution to stabilize the cedi. Depreciation will be a thing of the past because the cedi will be sufficiently stable under Bawumia.

“What is NDC’s comparable solution to the Cedi? They have to tell Ghanaians their measures for the Cedi,” he told journalists in Kumasi on Monday June 24.

Ghana was one of the fastest growing economies in the world from 2017 to 2019 until Covid came – Ahiagbah



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